Coffe Espresso Crema e Gusto 18 pods - LavAzza

Brand: Lavazza

Ean: 8000070039155

Coffe Espresso Crema e Gusto 18 pods - LavAzza

Blend of Arabica of Brazilian origin and Robusta coming mainly from East Africa and South-East Asia, for a creamy espresso with an intense taste, characterized by a delicate scent of precious woods.

A harmony between body and aroma, enhanced by the preparation with the espresso machine.

Pack of 18 pods

Supplier: Lavazza

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 5,34
Not available
Carton of 12 pieces for a total of 216 capsules € 58,29
Not available

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