Artisan Limoncello 30% - 500 ml -
Artisan Limoncello 30% - 500 ml - A liqueur made from an infusion of fresh lemon peels, in pure alcohol. Excellent as a dessert and special as a base for cocktails. Handcrafted with selected ingredients of the Sorrento Peninsula. Packaged... Single Piece € 12,20 Carton 6 Pieces € 69,54
Artisan strawberry liqueur 30% - 500 ml -
Artisan strawberry liqueur 30% - 500 ml - Prepared with an infusion of "wild strawberries" select the Sorrento peninsula. It 'a unique flavor liqueur typical of the fruit. Was used for cooking desserts and prepare some cocktails Handmade... Single Piece € 12,20 Carton 6 Pieces € 69,54
Artisan lemon cream 17% - 500 ml -
Artisan lemon cream 17% - 500 ml - A liqueur made with milk and fresh infusion of lemon peels in pure alcohol. Excellent as a dessert and as a basis for special cocktails. Handmade with selected ingredients of the Sorrentine Peninsula.... Single Piece € 12,20 Carton 6 Pieces € 69,54
Melon cream artisan 17% - 500 ml -
Melon cream artisan 17% - 500 ml - A liqueur infused milk and melons, in pure alcohol. Excellent as a dessert and as a basis for special cocktails. Handmade with selected ingredients of the Sorrentine Peninsula. Packaged in a bottle... Single Piece € 12,20 Carton 6 Pieces € 69,54
Handmade liquorice cream 25% - 500 ml -
Handmade liquorice cream 25% - 500 ml - Liquor is a very original velvety and enhances the pleasant bitter-sweet taste of licorice. The emollient, antiseptic, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, attributed to this perennial herb, known in the Egyptian... Single Piece € 12,20 Carton 6 Pieces € 69,54
Bauli the classic colomba 1 Kg.
Bauli the classic colomba 1 Kg. From the original Bauli recipe, the good and delicate tradition for those who don't like candied fruit. A delicious pastry work, the story of tradition, the dessert that celebrates Easter in its essence.... Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,35
Gusto Etna pistachio pesto and summer truffle 190 gr.
Gusto Etna pistachio pesto and summer truffle 190 gr. The pistachio and summer truffle pesto by Gusto Etna is a new and delicious recipe that gives a contrasting flavor between pistachio and truffle, all pasteurized to ensure natural conservation. The quality... Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,90
Antico forno fried chiacchiere covered in dark chocolate 250 Gr.
Antico forno fried chiacchiere covered in dark chocolate 250 Gr. Classic Neapolitan fried biscuit covered with dark chocolate. On our site you will find, in collaboration with the renowned Antico Forno pastry shop, delicious chiacchiere, made according to ancient tradition. you... Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,35
Antico forno fried chiacchiere covered in milk chocolate 250 Gr.
Antico forno fried chiacchiere covered in milk chocolate 250 Gr. Fried classic Neapolitan biscuit covered with milk chocolate. On our site you will find, in collaboration with the renowned Antico Forno pastry shop, delicious chiacchiere, made according to ancient tradition. you... Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,35
Antico forno Fried chiacchiere covered with pistachio 250 Gr.
Antico forno Fried chiacchiere covered with pistachio 250 Gr. Classic Neapolitan fried biscuit covered with pistachio. On our site you will find, in collaboration with the renowned Antico Forno pastry shop, delicious chiacchiere, made according to ancient tradition. you... Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,35
Antico forno Fried chiacchiere covered in milk 250 Gr.
Antico forno Fried chiacchiere covered in milk 250 Gr. Fried classic Neapolitan biscuit covered with milk. On our site you will find, in collaboration with the renowned Antico Forno pastry shop, delicious chiacchiere, made according to ancient tradition. you... Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,35
Antico forno sanguinaccio cream 350 gr
Antico forno sanguinaccio cream 350 gr sanguinaccio is a silky and spicy cream based on dark chocolate and cinnamon: ideal to accompany Carnival chiacchiere ! Weight in pack of 350 Gr. Single Piece € 11,00 offer 3 pieces € 31,35