Nuovo Cilento Almond-Covered Figs 250 Gr.

Brand: Nuovo cilento

Ean: 8014537010427

Nuovo Cilento’s baked white figs are made from the prized "Fico Bianco Dottato" variety. Harvested and sun-dried, then baked in a wood oven and packaged according to traditional recipes after careful selection. This variety is one of the best and most difficult to obtain.

These figs are delightfully sweet and edible as fruits, offering a unique flavor that enhances every bite. This richness should not be lost and is perfect for sweetening any palate.

Format: 250 g

Supplier: Nuovo cilento s.c.a.r.l.

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Single Piece € 9,90
offer 3 pieces € 28,21

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