Red wine Tacito Falerno Del Massico - Nugnes

Brand: Nunges

Ean: 8052190960611

Red wine Tacito Falerno Del Massico - Nugnes

Falerno del Massico DOC

Grapes: 80% Aglianico 20% Piedirosso
Alcoholic Degree: 13.5%
Type of soil: of volcanic origin
Production area: Carinola (Caserta)
Harvest time: October
Harvest: by hand
Vinification: at a controlled temperature
Maturation: 12 months in steel

Organoleptic characteristics:
An excellent quality ruby red wine with an overwhelming flavor, with hints of ripe red fruit and a lingering finish.

Excellent with red meat and aged cheeses

Serve at the ideal temperature of 10 ° C

Supplier: Nunges

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 15,84
6 Pieces Carton € 90,32

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