Craft Beer Karma "Na tazzulella 'e Café" 33 Cl

Brand: youdreamitaly

Ean: 8052745770832

Alcohol volume: 8.5%
Formats: 33 cl.
Serving temperature: 8-10 °
Availability: October to March

Water, barley malt, coffee, hops, sugar cane from the circuit Fair, spices and yeast.

And very special strong beer of high fermentation from very dark and dense foam cappuccino color, dominated by a pleasant aroma and flavor of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.

• smoked scamorza
• Chocolate cake
• Torta caprese
• Cigar

Supplier: Birrificio Karma

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Single Piece € 6,03
Not available
Package 12 Pieces € 60,39
Not available

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