Craft Beer AF Beer  "La Prima" 75 cl

Brand: Birrificio Karma


LA PRIMA is our beer firstborn . It is inspired by the queen of Lagers: the pilsner or pils born around 1840 in a brewery in Plzen in the Czech land.
A pilsner is presented with a golden color with fine and persistent mousse.
The aromas are characterized by hints derived from hops, while the flavors are very clean and aromatic hydrocarbons under the regime of low temperature fermentation.
La PRIMA shows a beautiful yellow and soft green highlights. A white foam, thick and compact, crowns this superb color that leads to hot and sunny summers.
The nose the aroma is defined by an aromatic structure on which stand grassy notes of hops Bohemian accompanied by slight hints malted.
On the palate, dry, dry the structure of this beer, and returns the aromaticity of grassy hops. Aftertaste average persistent with the presence of a good bitter not very intense.
La PRIMA is a beer for every meal, which is also good with fried fish.

Supplier: Birrificio Karma

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Single Piece € 8,54
Not available
Package 6 Pieces € 47,58
Not available

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