Confetti Cakes Promises MAXI (5kg)

Brand: Ambrosio


Sweet, delicious, delicate. So many adjectives to describe one of the best "Made in Italy" the most famous: the confetti. Today as yesterday accompany celebrations and religious rites, marking some important stages of life.

In the market there are various forms (from classic to more modern oval, depicting crossed faiths and hearts) and of different quality.

Those bells are excellent, made ​​with almond d'Avola, the most subtle and rinomata.Sgusciata peeled and is covered by a layer of pure sugar syrup.

But we give you the opportunity to taste, in packs of 5 kg, candies of various flavors, such as those typical Campania lemon of Sorrento, to Baba, to cheese and pear or classic tastes more like strawberry, orange, pear.

But whatever style you choose the quality of our confetti is unparalleled ....

Supplier: Ambrosio

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€ 99,00
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