Jam Extra Apricot Vesuvius

Brand: Sapori Vesuviani

Ean: 0643845851897

The Apricot ( Armeniaca vulgaris ), a species of ancient origins from China to the south - western border with Pakistan , has been introduced in Italy by the Romans from the region of Armenia and Greece. The presence of apricots on the slopes of Vesuvius is documented as early as the first century d. C. in the writings of Pliny the Elder, although the first certain evidence of intensive cultivation in the area date back to 1583 when Gian Battista Della Porta, a Neapolitan scientist , in his work " suæ Villae Pomarium " , apricots divided into two major groups: bericocche round in shape , with soft pulp , and white freestone and Chrisomele (from the greek chrisomelos or golden apples ) with the flesh , freestone , very colorful, soft and finest .

Which is why , in the Neapolitan dialect , the term " crisommole " has become synonymous with apricots.

The " crisommole " , are the most cultivated fruit in the Vesuvius , where volcanic soil , rich in minerals and potassium , favor this crop giving the fruit a unique flavor and character.
Under the name of Vesuvian Apricot will indicate , in fact, about 100 old varieties , all indigenous fruit and a selection of Mendelian , whose production area coincides with the area of the National Park of Vesuvius. Poetic and bizarre are the names given to the different varieties: Shed, Boccuccia Smooth , Boccuccia Spinosa, Pellecchiella , Porches, Ceccona , Palummella , Vitilio , San Castrese , Fracasso, Cafona , Shed , Priest , Priest nice, Taviello , St. Francis , Setacciara , Acqua di Serino etc. .
To characterize and distinguish one from the other varieties are the size , the intensity of the perfume, the smoothness of the skin and flavor that goes by that very sweet apricots Pellecchiella , the aroma of sour - bitter varieties Vitilio . But there are common characteristics such as the yellow-fleshed sweet , intense aroma and the color yellow , orange peel , which overlaps the red shaded or dotted .
Maturation takes place in the medium -early , so that the collection is carried out as early as the middle of June.
Intended for direct consumption and cool, the Vesuvian apricot is also very much in demand by the processing industry for the production of jams, juices, nectars , syrups and candies

80 % of Vesuvius apricot , lemon juice and fructose
Jar 300 g

Supplier: Sapori Vesuviani

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

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