Gift Box 80

Brand: youdreamitaly

Ean: 0643845850494

Wicker basket consisting of:
1 Conf Cookies Castellammare - 1 Conf Conchiglioni Giants
500 Gr - 1 Conf Orecchiette tricolor 500 Gr -1 Conf Coffee
Passalacqua Cremador 250 Gr - 1 Pack of Extra virgin olive oil
Cilento 75 cl. - Distilled apple annurca 500 ml - Wine
Gragnano Sorrento Coast - Wine Greek di Tufo - Caciocavallo
1 Kg - smoked scamorza 600 Gr - Craft Beer
Cubulteria 75 cl - in Oil Cilento - 2 Pk San Marzano DOP -
1 Conf Caccavella The 4 - 1 Pack The 6 Hearts - No. 2 Wheels Size

Supplier: Personalizzazione You Dream Italy

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

€ 108,00
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