Craft Beer AF Beer "33 ale"

Brand: Birrificio Karma


The number "33" identifies the cabal "wealth". With this issue we wanted to identify a small beer (33 cl), like all things small, is packed full of goodness and of products of first choice.

The 33 is a top-fermented beer, made ​​according to tradition, using natural ingredients. Unpasteurized and unfiltered, fermented and aged in the bottle
- At the nose 33 with a rich aroma of malt and fruit.
- On the palate, the 33 is confirmed by a pleasant malty and rich structure. The elegance of the plot is unfolding in its flavors of caramel, with slight bits of roasted and smoked.
Beer for all meals, pleasing to the eye, accompanying dishes structured, like roasts, braised meats and game. I will not disdain cheese cakes. It goes very well the friendly conversation.

Supplier: Birrificio Karma

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 5,73
Not available
Package 12 Pieces € 54,29
Not available

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