Fave of Vesuvius

Brand: Sapori Vesuviani

Ean: 0643845851873

They are produced on the slopes of Vesuvius , then, is a mineral-rich volcanic soil spot on a hill near the sea where the breeze blows prevailing . These geographical features have favored the quality of the beans grown here , making them particularly appreciated for its remarkable tenderness and flavor character.
They can reach 30-40 cm . long and contain up to 10-12 pods .
This culture is very popular and appreciated because it is a fine example of biodiversity , as the stone is among the most legume that naturally releases nitrogen into the soil , making it more fertile and it is for this reason that farmers cultivate Vesuvius in the vineyards , but especially in the orchards before the cultivation of Tomato Piennolo PDO and other summer vegetables .
In fact, the beans are a very distinctive food in the whole area of the Neapolitan eaten fresh foods are among the rituals of the period of Lent.

Fava 67% of Vesuvius , extra virgin olive oil 31% , wine vinegar , salt and natural flavors
Jar 280 g

Supplier: Sapori Vesuviani

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

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