Flour Granpasta Kg. 5 - Molino Quaglia

Brand: Molino Quaglia

Ean: 0643845858162

Type 00 soft wheat flour. Produced with strength grains, which ensure a high capacity for absorbing liquid and stability of the dough during cooking, it is a flour specifically designed for the production of fresh pasta. Ideal for both handworking and extrusion, it gives excellent results with any type of liquid as the recipe requires.

It is a flour that gives optimal results even in the production of gnocchi for which it ensures a greater shelf-life given the limited amount of damaged starch present, guaranteed by the sweet grinding process

It is a flour free of antioxidants that still keeps the color of the dough alive thanks to the high degree of refining that is obtained by means of advanced grinding technology.

It guarantees the best of its characteristics if used without mixing with other types of flour or semolina.

W: 290 | 320

P / L: 0.70 | 0.90

Supplier: Molino Quaglia

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

Single Piece € 20,69
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Offer 3 pieces € 57,20
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