Spelt and Cokos Beans - CHIRICO

Brand: Chirico

Ean: 8034135420275

Cereals and Legumes cooked with steam without preservatives

Cocos bean and spelt with Red Oats and Lentils

Cereal Mix (Spelt Perlato, Avena, Barley and Wheat Germ) with a mix
of Special Legumes (Cokos Beans and Red Lentils), packed in
pan and treated thermally with a sterilization cycle.

OATS (30%), SPELT Perlato (25%), BARLEY (25%), Cokos beans
(10%), WHEAT (5%), Red Lentils (5%), Water, Extra Oil
virgin olive oil, Salt.

Uppercase ingredients highlight raw materials they can
cause allergies.

Supplier: Chirico

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

Single Piece € 3,19
Not available
Package 10 Pieces € 30,80
Not available

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