Le Tradizioni di Giolì passed with whole yellow lapilli from Vesuvius 500 Gr.

Brand: Giolì azienda agricola


Limited Production. The tomatoes used for this preparation have been grown and processed with all the care to offer you an artisanal product of the highest quality.
Excellent for first courses with fresh cherry tomatoes, also good for second courses based on fish and meat. Much valued by the best Italian chefs.

Ingredients: Yellow cherry tomato from S. Sebastiano al Vesuvio Ercolano

Product grown in Campania

weight in glass packaging: 500 Gr.

Supplier: le tradizioni Giolì di angelo di giacomo

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

Single Piece € 5,99
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offer 6 pieces € 33,99
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