Melon cream Petrone Alviero Martini 70 Cl

Brand: Distilleria Petrone

Ean: 8021708420039

Five Spirits Antica Distilleria Petrone "dressed" with five different colors of fabric "Passport", the line created by the famous fashion designer Alviero Martini here is the result of collaboration between the liqueur company of young Campanian manager Andrea Petrone and one of the most important designers on the international scene, creator of the brand "ALV - Going Far Traveling" which in 2010 was awarded the prize "the Look of the Year Fashion Awards".
Taste and style come together to create a fashion collection of liquor its distinctive original decorative motif that plays passport stamps collected by the designer in his many journeys. Five different colors, from white to black, to coat limoncello, melon cream, pistachio cream, cappuccino and Guappa (first liquor made from buffalo milk) Distilleria Petrone.

Choose taste:

Limoncello, melon, pistachio, Cappuccino, Guappa (buffalo milk)

Supplier: Distilleria Petrone

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€ 24,40
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