Pacchetella of Tomato Yellow 500g  - I Sapori di Corbara -

Brand: I Sapori di Corbara

Ean: 8033891462000

The tomato yellow oval, small and has characteristic grooves
called longitudinal ribs and a little lace at the bottom end.

Presented is a pacchetella to use especially for the pizza.

The packaging is 580 ml packaged ORTO DEL LUCULLO

Gourmet specialties - I Sapori di Corbara -

Net weight: Gr.520

Supplier: I Sapori di Corbara

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 6,24
Offer 3 pieces € 17,16

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