Panettone 100% EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL - Strucà Cherry

Brand: Filippi


The high percentage of unsaturated fats are olive oil good for the heart and blood vessels, the phenols are powerful antioxidants and anti-free radicals. Many health benefits of olive oil have been known since antiquity. For the ancient Romans, the oil was, not coincidentally, a symbol of longevity and beauty, so that Cleopatra used to take long baths dipped in olive oil. The Štruca is a completely free of sweet butter and milk products, mixed exclusively with extra virgin olive oil and produced throughout the year. We're not sure that our Strucà you can make beautiful as Cleopatra, but, what about, you have a whole year to experience it!

Strucà cherry 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500 g

Supplier: Filippi

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 25,30
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Offer 3 Pieces € 68,20
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