Pizzuti flour "Prepared for homemade pasta" Kg. 1

Brand: Molini Pizzuti

Ean: 8008458071001

Mixture of flour and semolina ideal for all kinds of homemade pasta with or without eggs: ravioli, lasagna, noodles. Can be used for both manual and automatic machining.

Water absorption 54% (± 0.5%)
Development time 1.5 '± 0.5'
Stability 5 '(± 1')
W 220 (± 20)
P / L 0.70 (± 0.1)
Falling number 310 (± 20)

Packing 1 kg paper bag

Supplier: Molini Pizzuti

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

Single Piece € 1,87
Not available
Package 10 Pieces € 17,16
Not available

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