Provolone del Monaco DOP (1 Kg)



The Provolone del Monaco DOP is a semi-hard cheese with spun dough, cheese, produced in the province of Naples only with raw milk.

Characteristics and production phases

The product is eligible for protection, at the time of consumption, must have the following characteristics:
a) aging at least one hundred eighty days (six months), with a maximum yield of 9 kg per hectolitre of milk processed;
b) a form of slightly elongated melon pear or without head with a minimum weight of 2.5 kg and a maximum of 8 kg, a thin crust slightly yellowish with dark tones, almost smooth with slight longitudinal bays at the ties raffia used to support the couple who divide the provolone in a minimum of 6 faces;
c) a paste, cream-colored with yellowish tones, flexible, compact, uniform and without flaking, soft and with characteristic holes (a "bird's eye") with a diameter of up to 5 mm, with sporadic presence of holes of diameter increased, up to 12 mm, more abundant toward the center of mass;
d) a fat content of dry matter not less than 40.5%;
e) a sweet and buttery flavor and a slight spiciness and pleasant;
f) curing environments in locations referred to in Article. 3 also gives the cheese flavors enhanced by the length of maturation. After 7-8 months the provolone will tend to yellow further thickening the crust and gradually assuming a more spicy flavor and appearance of the pasta more consistent, although still quite soft and always free of flaking.
The milk for the processing must be that produced by the secretion of the mammary gland and not subjected to a temperature above 40 ° C or subjected to treatment having equivalent effect, as described by art. 2, paragraph 1, of Directive 46/92 EEC. The coagulation of the milk is obtained by adding rennet for about 40-60 minutes of kid rennet paste or liquid calf rennet alone or in combination with at least 50% of kid rennet paste, heating at 34-42 ° C.
When the curd has reached the desired consistency, after a few minutes, breaking up proceeds to get tiny lumps the size of a hazelnut at first and later a grain of corn. Leave to rest for about 20 minutes.
The curd must then be heated, so as to have the mass at a temperature of about 48-52 ° C, and left to stand up first to a maximum of 30 minutes, taking care that the temperature does not drop below 45 ° C, then must be extracted from the serum and transferred to sheets of canvas or perforated stainless steel baskets for aging.
After that the evidence of spinning by hand in warm water, have given positive results in terms of elasticity and strength, you have to start cutting the curd into ribbons of varying sizes. Following operations to be carried out manually, spinning and modeling of the mass with water at 85-95 ° C in the forms set out in the specification sizes. Following the hardening by immersion in cold water and immersion cured in saturated brine for 8-12 hours / kg of product.
The cheeses obtained, linked in pairs, hung on special racks, must be left to mature for lactic acid-proteolytic maturation, before drying at room temperature of from ten to twenty days and then in a temperature between 8 and 15 ° C for period not exceeding six months, during this period only subjected to washing and cleaning the mold and possibly oiling (extra virgin olive oil - DOP Sorrentine Peninsula).
The size of the forms shall be such that eventually mature, have a minimum weight of 2.5 kg and a maximum of 8 kg.

Gastronomy and wine recommendations

And 'recommended combination with the very full-bodied red wines and aged. Its consumption has always been aimed at noble tables where it is prized for its flavor rounded, smooth and well characterized.

It 'sold whole with a size of 1 kg


"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

€ 31,20
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