Red wine Taurasi Pago dei Fusi D.O.C.G. - Terredora Dipaolo

Brand: Terredora Dipaolo

Ean: 8026008032005

Red wine Taurasi Pago dei Fusi D.O.C.G. - Terredora Dipaolo


Format: 0.75 Lt

Grapes: 100% Aglianico

Production area: company vineyards in Pietradefusi, on the hills of the Calore River Valley.

Production technique:
to the careful selection of hand-picked grapes, followed by vinification with maceration on the skins for about 12 days at 28 ° C. Once fermentation is complete, the wine ages in French oak barrels for at least 24 months, to continue refining in the bottle for at least 36 months.

Organoleptic characteristics:
of an intense ruby ​​color, it has an ample and complex bouquet with aromas of ripe cherry, hints of sweet spices, plum, tobacco, pepper, tar. Full, soft and velvety on the palate, it is characterized by sweet and elegant tannins, long notes of fruit and a spicy finish.
Of remarkable structure, it is very long-lived

Gastronomic combinations:
ideal with meat, especially roasts,
game, wild boar, lamb chops, with
dishes based on spices, mushrooms and truffles, with cheeses
seasoned as provolone, parmesan and gorgonzola

Serve at the ideal temperature of 18 - 22 ° C

Supplier: Terredora Dipaolo

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 33,48
Not available
2 Pieces Carton € 60,87
Not available

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