Percoca Neapolitan Syrup

Brand: Sapori Vesuviani

Ean: 0643845851835

NAPLES percoca

First distributed only in the Vesuvius and the Phlegraean , the " Percoche " Neapolitan variety of peach with yellow flesh , crisp and not freestone , were later also introduced in Caserta.
The " percoca " from the Neapolitan Percuoco , owes his fortune to be able to eat well known Neapolitan , who chose it , since 700, as queen of the summer table . Who does not remember the " percoca poached in red wine " , a traditional rite of the Neapolitans , who apparently introduced by the Spanish rulers , already masters of " sangria " .
The name Percoca Napoletana includes at least two different varieties, certainly originated in the Phlegraean - Vesuvian the " Puteolana " and " terzarole " ( with lace , gold , yellow). The common characteristics of these varieties are represented by medium-large , the yellow color of the flesh and the skin , aroma and scent very intense, sweet flavor and velvety texture and excellent enough to be used as raw material of delicious syrup.

Percoca Napoletana 62 %, water 30 % and 8 % fructose
Jar , 610 g and 380 g net sg .

Supplier: Sapori Vesuviani

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Single Piece € 6,05
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Offer 3 Pieces € 16,50
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