Villa Guelfa Liberty basket

Brand: Villa guelfa

Ean: 805414567228

Christmas package perfect as a gift idea.

Inside you will find:
• Pandoro Alto Classico, hand-wrapped Tre Marie, 750 g
• Bottle of Brut Sparkling Wine Millesimato 2022 Cantine Cav. Baskets, 750 ml
• Gigli package, 100% Italian Poggio del Duca bronze-drawn pasta, 250 g
• Box of La Sassellese Moscato Donuts, 90 g
• Pack of Delicious Canestrelli Specialties of Sassello Amaretti Virginia, 80 g
• Baratti & Milano Extra Dark Chocolate Bar with Almond and Orange, 75 g
• Soft Nougat Stick covered with Dolgam Orange flavour, 80g

Supplier: Villa guelfa Srl

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to"

Single Piece € 53,68
Not available
offer 3 pieces € 152,98
Not available

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