White Fiano di  Avellino Vintage wine - Mastroberardino

Brand: Mastroberardino

Ean: 8017015004086

White vintage Fiano wine - Mastroberardino

Format: 0.75 Lt

Fiano is a vine with ancient origins dating back to Roman times. The Fiano among the most cultivated vines in the province of Avellino, generating enthusiasm for cultivation also outside the region.
Thanks to the sustained acidity it is expressed with numerous facets with an irresistible charm over the years.

The seals of Manocalzati and Montefalcione are found mainly on medium-textured and loose soils with an exposure to SudEst on average at 400 m.s.l.m.

COLLECTION: First half of October, manual harvest.

VINIFICATION AND AGING: Classic white vinification in steel tanks at a controlled temperature. It refines in steel tanks for 9 months and in the bottle for more than 4 years.

Organoleptic characteristics: Straw yellow. Very distinctive bouquet on the nose, with notes reminiscent of withered flowers, almond and hazelnut. Its taste is still surprising for its freshness and

Gastronomic combinations:
Appetizers Soups based on crustaceans and seafood, fresh cheeses, buffalo mozzarella.
Pasta dishes based on legumes, shellfish and fish sauces.
Second courses white meats, shellfish, grilled fatty fish such as salmon, swordfish, tuna.

Serve at the ideal temperature of 12 - 14 ° C.

Supplier: Mastroberardino

"The technical information, ingredients sheet, nutritional table are attached to the published object. If they are missing, you can request them by writing to info@youdreamitaly.com"

Single Piece € 18,20
Not available
6 Pieces Carton € 99,28
Not available

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